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Fishing Tips

Open Water Lake Trout

Open Water Lake Trout

Rigged Lake Trout Tubes for open water Lakers

Most Lake Trout anglers are well aware of how effective Tubes are for catching Lake Trout through the ice, but now a growing number of anglers are using them during the summer months to catch “Lakers” in open water as well.  The fishing technique is very similar with the main difference of obviously being in a boat instead of on the ice.

Late Ice Pike on Lake of the Woods

Late Ice Pike on Lake of the Woods

It really isn’t a secret that Lake of the Woods offers one of the best chances for an angler to ice a 40” plus pike anywhere.  Now until ice out is prime time to catch these toothy gators; and the bonus is that they will never weigh more than they do at this time of year.  Pike are one of the earliest spawning fish and drop their eggs shortly after ice out.  Jay Urman and several of his friends know this and he has made many a trip to Lake of the Woods over the last several years pursuing these trophy pike and they have seldom been disappointed.

Mid-Winter Lake Trout Fishing Tactics and Tackle Tips

Mid-Winter Lake Trout Fishing Tactics and Tackle Tips

If there was ever a fish that was designed for ice fishing; the Lake Trout would be first in line. A variety of baits have been used to fish Lake Trout over the years, including Bucktail style Jigs, Blade Baits and Rattling Crankbaits; but in many area’s plastics have taken over as the number one producer.  In this category, the Tube Jig undoubtedly is the most popular.